Useful questions and greetings!
Hey!!! I have just discovered a new useful resource of this planet called Infographic. It is online and similar to a poster. You can choose the topic that you want and explain it. It is very visual. For example, in my case, I have thought about some questions and greetings in English that children must known, because they are essential for their daily life. You can have a look here👇 DAILY QUESTIONS AND PHRASES THAT YOU MUST KNOW de Clara Moreno Bermejo In my opinion, it is very visual, and with the support of the images, children will catch perfectly the meaning. When I created it, I chose a tool called Canva . I really recommend you, because it is very easy and, moreover, if you have already created a slideshow using Genially (I have explained this tool in the entry, "Guess who I am"), you are going to find it very simple to use, beacuse is the same process! I like everything about this tool becuase you have a lot of templates, images, types of font... It ...