
And... here we are!

The show must go on. This is the title of a famous song here in The Earth. And in this occasion, I agree. This experience has been very useful and I have learnt a lot. Now, I feel more confident with ICT's than I was in January!! In a briefly way, I have completed a lot of tasks, divided in 7 modules, and honestly, I think that all of them are going to be useful for me. My first task was the creation of this blog and presenting my avatar  (I remember that day beacuse I couldn't find an appropiate app to create it, but finally I could!💪 Then, my teacher Maria Jesús García San Martin , explained us the importance of authorship, so I learnt how to create a license and how to look for images which don't have this autorship. After that, I created my Content Curation Tool , in which I organised every webpage or toll that I finf interesting. It makes my life easier! And now, one of my favourite discoveries... Genially . I created a slideshow  talking about a famous p...


I am indebted to you!! My classmates, Julia García , Patricia Navarro , Carolina Puertos and I have already created our educational video about micromachism. I talked about it in my previous post that you can find here if you want to have a look. And also you can check our Google Doc in which we wrote the scripts and we share the roles. We went to the "Future Classroom Lab" in the Ministry of Education and we recorded the video using a chroma board. We have never used one before and it's amazing how does it work when you edit the video. In my planet there is nothing similar!! I was 😯!!! At first, when you record the video, you have behind you a green board. Once, you have the video, that green board allows you to edit the background with a program!! In our case, we used Movavi  and it surprised us! It was our first time editing a video and we thought that it would be very difficult, but with this tool, the process was very easy!  We edit the videos and put th...

And.. what is your story?

Hi again!!! In this post you are going to find something very personal about me, but before telling you what is it, I want to introduce you what is #twima8 . As we know every person has a story. Some of them, are happy stories, but others, unfortunately are sad. With "The World is my Audience", which is the complete name of this project, people can share their stories by recording themselves and, maybe, help others. You can have more information about it here 👉 can we do it? Easy! You can download an application called Flipgrid , in which you can record a video telling  your story in five minutes or less! You can talk about whatever you want and with the hastag #twima8 you are going to find people telling their stories! It is amazing! This app is really easy to use! And what is better! it is available for iOS and for Android! You just have to record yourself, and if you are not sure about it, you can delete it and...

How can we improve in our digital competence?

Hey humans!!! I am so excited! I have just participated in my first Webinar! If you have never heart about this before, don't worry! I am going to explain below! A Webinar is a conference, speech, course or workshop  in a digital format throught Internet!Moreover, you can interact with all the participants and, also, there is an intermediary in the case of something related to the conection could happen. Moreover, you can see the other person, listen to her/him and talk with the rest of the human participants by the chat. I think that it is a marvelous way to participate, enjoy, and learn at home! You don't need to move! You can choose where do you want to stay. You just need your computer! Simple, useful and comfortable. For example, in my case, I was at home and having a relax cup of coffe in my livingroom!😉 Furthermore, for teachers, this type of online tools makes our lives easier, taking into account that we don't have a lot of time. And, if the objective ...

Micro... what?

Hey!!! I am writing  this post with a mix of feelings... Last month, there were big demonstrations in a lot of cities of this world. I didn't know why a  lot of people (the mojority, women) were on the street, shouting, singing and talking. So I began to investigate. Surprisingly, in this world that is proud of its progress in a lot of fields such as technology, communication, science, etc., it has a big problem in society. And it is called machism. What is machism? It is an attitude or a way of thinking which maintains that the man is over the woman. As an example, here there are a lot of jobs that are carried out by men and women, but they do not receive the same salary. And what is worst, a lot of women are killed by men. Incredible. Because of this reason, when I was talking with a group of human teachers and I told them my surprise about this problem, we had an idea! We are going to create a video for children in which we represent different situations of machism...

Big news on Fradios!

Hey humans! I hope you had had a good Easter! I went to Sevilla, because some of my human students recommended me to enjoy some processions...and WOW! they were incredible! people cried a lot when they saw statues of their god! It was amazing! But we are already here again! And I have been working on a project that I have enjoyed a lot and I think that my human students will love! It is a podcast!  It is a digital audio, that you can upload to the net and share with the rest of the world (if you want). I have created mine, thinking about an engaging topic which is radio speakers. I mean, my students during a course, are going to be, every Friday, radio speakers informing about news and events of the past, present and why not? future! They are going to practise their oral and written communication, creativity, imagination and their management with TICs! To make it possible I began coing a lesson plan, which you can find it here👇 I did it with Google doc , which is a plat...

Useful questions and greetings!

Hey!!! I have just discovered a new useful resource of this planet called Infographic. It is online and similar to a poster. You can choose the topic that you want and explain it. It is very visual. For example, in my case, I have thought about some questions and greetings in English that children must known, because they are essential for their daily life. You can have a look here👇 DAILY QUESTIONS AND PHRASES THAT YOU MUST KNOW de Clara Moreno Bermejo In my opinion, it is very visual, and with the support of the images, children will catch perfectly the meaning. When I created it, I chose a tool called Canva . I really recommend you, because it is very easy and, moreover, if you have already created a slideshow using Genially (I have explained this tool in the entry, "Guess who I am"), you are going to find it very simple to use, beacuse is the same process! I like everything about this tool becuase you have a lot of templates, images, types of font... It ...