Big news on Fradios!

Hey humans!

I hope you had had a good Easter! I went to Sevilla, because some of my human students recommended me to enjoy some processions...and WOW! they were incredible! people cried a lot when they saw statues of their god! It was amazing!

But we are already here again! And I have been working on a project that I have enjoyed a lot and I think that my human students will love! It is a podcast!  It is a digital audio, that you can upload to the net and share with the rest of the world (if you want).

I have created mine, thinking about an engaging topic which is radio speakers. I mean, my students during a course, are going to be, every Friday, radio speakers informing about news and events of the past, present and why not? future!

They are going to practise their oral and written communication, creativity, imagination and their management with TICs!

To make it possible I began coing a lesson plan, which you can find it here👇 I did it with Google doc, which is a platform where you can start a document and edit it with other people online. It is ideal to share information or for group works! In my lesson plan, you will find a brief description of what I am going to do with my students, the objectives, timing, evaluation, activities, competences...

After that, I created my audio in which I say welcome to my students and I show them an example of what they are going to do during this project.I created it with an app called Audacity. For me was a little bit difficult, because it was the first time that I use one of these type of apps, but I searched a tutorial for a basic using, and I could create it. It is free and available for any kind of computer or mobile brand. You can record what you want to say and then, you can edit it in your way.
You can find my podcast saying welcome 👋 to my students below.

As you can see, I have kept my podcast on another app called Soundcloud, in which you can upload your podcasts,keep them, follow the playlists of other people and create your own one!
Here is mine 😜, until now, I only had time to upload one podcast, but be patient!
Here is my channel and you can follow me if you want! I have created a playlist with some songs of the past. I have heardt that they are classics, so if you are a melancholic human, feel free to listen these songs! I hope you find it useful!!



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